St Catherine's College

Dandjoo Darbalung Centre - Grand Opening

Dandjoo Darbalung is the largest tertiary residential program for Indigenous students of its kind in Australia. Nationally, the retention rate for Indigenous Australians is c.47% In comparison, students supported through the Dandjoo Darblung program achieve a 90% retention rate and a 78% pass rate which is comparable with non-Indigenous pass rates.


Last week saw the official launch of BloomLab, a collaboration between St Catherine’s College at The University of Western Australia and not-for-profit student organisation Bloom.

BloomLab provides young people with the infrastructure, support and engagement needed to inspire and grow their ventures

Andy Lamb, cofounder of Atomic Sky, has been a big supporter of Mark Shelton, Bloom’s director and CEO, and Profectus before it evolved into Bloom and will continue to act as a mentor at BloomLab... Read More at Atomic Sky